World Cup 2010 Schedule

World Cup 2010 Schedule

Group A

Johannesburg: South Africa vs. Mexico, (14:00 GMT)

Cape Town: Uruguay vs France (18:30 GMT)

Saturday, June 12

Group B

Port Elizabeth: South Korea vs. Greece (11:30 GMT)

Johannesburg: Argentina vs. Nigeria (14:00 GMT)

Group C

Rustenburg: England vs. United States (18:30 GMT)

Sunday, June 13

Group C

Polokwane: Algeria vs Slovenia (11:30 GMT)

Group D

Pretoria: Ghana vs. Serbia (14:00 GMT)

Durban: Germany vs Australia (18:30 GMT)

Monday, June 14

Group E

Johannesburg: Netherlands vs Danish (11:30 GMT)

Bloemfontein: Japan vs Cameroon (14:00 GMT)

Group F

Cape Town: Italy vs Paraguay (18:30 GMT)

Tuesday, June 15

Group F

Rustenburg: New Zealand vs Slovakia (11:30 GMT)

Group G

Elizabeth: Ivory Coast vs Portugal (14:00 GMT)

Johannesburg: Brazil vs. North Korea (18:30 GMT)

Wednesday, June 16

Group A

Pretoria: South Africa v Uruguay (18:30 GMT)

Group H

Nelspruit: Honduras vs Chile (11:30 GMT)

Durban: Spain vs. Switzerland (14:00 GMT)

Thursday, June 17

Group B

Johannesburg: South Korea vs. Argentina (11:30 GMT)

Bloemfontein: Nigeria vs. Greece (14:00 GMT)

Group A

Polokwane: Mexico vs. France (18:30 GMT)

Friday, June 18

Group C

Johannesburg: United States vs Slovenia (14:00 GMT)

Cape Town: England vs Algeria (18:30 GMT)

Group D

Port Elizabeth: Germany vs. Serbia (11:30 GMT)

Saturday, June 19

Group E

Durban: Netherlands vs. Japan (11:30 GMT)

Rustenburg: Australia vs Ghana (14:00 GMT)

Pretoria: Danish vs Cameroon (18:30 GMT)

Sunday, June 30

Group F

Bloemfontein: Paraguay vs. Slovakia (11:30 GMT)

Nelspruit: New Zealand vs. Italy (14:00 GMT)

Group G

Johannesburg: Brazil vs Côte d'Ivoire (18:30 GMT)

Monday, June 21

Group G

Cape Town: North Korea vs Portugal, (11:30 GMT)

Group H

Port Elizabeth: Switzerland vs. Chile (14:00 GMT)

Johannesburg: Spain vs. Honduras (18:30 GMT)

Tuesday, June 22

Group A

Rustenburg: Mexico vs. Uruguay (14:00 GMT)

Bloemfontein: South Africa vs France (14:00 GMT)

Group B

Durban: Nigeria vs South Korea (18:30 GMT)

Polokwane: Greece vs. Argentina (18:30 GMT)

Wednesday, June 23

Group C

Port Elizabeth: England vs Slovenia (14:00 GMT)

Pretoria: America vs. Seriikat Algeria (14:00 GMT)

Group D

Johannesburg: Ghana vs. Germany (18:30 GMT)

Nelspruit: Australia vs. Serbia (18:30 GMT)

Thursday, June 24

Group E

Rustenburg: Danish vs. Japan (18:30 GMT)

Cape Town: Cameroon vs Netherlands (18:30 GMT)

Group F

Johannesburg: Slovakia vs. Italy (14:00 GMT)

Polokwane: Paraguay vs New Zealand (14:00 GMT)

Friday, June 25
Group G

Durban: Portugal vs. Brazil (14:00 GMT)

Nelspruit: North Korea vs Ivory Coast (14:00 GMT)

Group H

Pretoria: Chile vs. Spain (18:30 GMT)

Bloemfontein: Switzerland vs. Honduras (18:30 GMT)



Saturday, June 26

Port Elizabeth: Winner Group A vs Runner-up Group B (14:00 GMT)


Rustenburg: Winner Group C vs. Runner-up Group D (18:30 GMT)

Sunday, June 27

Bloemfontein: Winner Group D vs. Runner-up Group C (14:00 GMT)


Johannesburg: Winner Group B vs. Runner-up Group A (18:30 GMT)

Monday, June 28

Durban: Winner Group E vs Runner-up Group F (14:00 GMT)


Johannesburg: Winner Group G v Runner-up Group H (18:30 GMT)

Tuesday, June 29

Pretoria: Winner Group F vs. Runner-up Group E (14:00 GMT)


Cape Town: Winner Group H v Runner-up Group G (18:30 GMT)



Friday, July 2

Port Elizabeth: Winner 53 vs. Winner Party Party 54 (14:00 GMT)


Johannesburg: Winner 49 vs. Winner Party Party 50 (18:30 GMT)

Saturday, July 3

Cape Town: Winner 52 vs. Winner Party Party 51 (14:00 GMT)


Johannesburg: Winner 55 vs. Winner Party Party 56 (18:30 GMT)



Tuesday, July 6
Cape Town: Winner 58 vs. Winner Party Party 57 (18:30 GMT)

Wednesday, July 7
Durban: Winner 59 vs. Winner Party Party 60 (18:30 GMT)


Third place TO-3

Saturday, July 10
Port Elizabeth: The team competed in the semifinals Defeated (18:30 GMT)



Sunday, July 11
Johannesburg: Winner Semifinal pitted (18:30 GMT)

NOTE: The time difference GMT by Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat (WIB) is 7 hours.


Is Tanning bad for you?

Tanning is the skin's reaction to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. When skin is exposed to UV rays, cells called melanocytes produce the brown pigment melanin, which darkens the cells of the epidermis. This darkening of the skin cells is the skin's natural – if imperfect – defense against further damage from UV radiation.

The sun's UV rays damage the DNA of the skin's epidermal cells, triggering enzymes that race to repair the damage. However, these enzymes do not always repair the DNA successfully, and all this unrepaired damage can lead to mutations that increase the risk of skin cancer. Also, repeated unprotected sun exposure can cause photoaging – wrinkles, sagging skin, and spots associated with sun damage.

Scientists divide the solar UV spectrum into three wavelengths - UVA, UVB and UVC. Once, UVA and UVC were thought harmless, and only UVB was believed dangerous. UVC is still deemed no threat, since it is absorbed by the ozone layer. But UVA accounts for up to 95 percent of solar UVR reaching Earth. Though far less capable of causing sunburn than UVB, UVA is present during all daylight hours year round, while the amount of UVB in sunlight varies by season, location and time of day.

By the 1990's, scientists knew that UVA exacerbates the cancer-causing effects of UVB, and is the main wavelength behind photoaging. Recently, an Australian-U.S. study found that UVA may be more carcinogenic than UVB. It penetrates more deeply and causes more genetic damage in the skin cells (keratinocytes) where most skin cancers arise. The National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization now designate both UVA and UVB as causes of cancer.

A year-round tan is a staple of appearance-conscious celebrities and the ordinary men and women who want to emulate that bronzed look.

Darker skin does offer greater protection than light skin against sunburn and skin cancer. However, that applies only to people with naturally darker skin. Tanning, like sunburns, attacks the skin's DNA, producing genetic defects that may cause skin cancer.

But a new study suggests the pursuit of a perma-tan through sunbeds may be as addictive as drugs or alcohol.

The study, carried out by two New York-based researchers – Dr Sharon Danoff-Burg, of the University of Albany, and Dr Catherine Mosher, of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre – found that people who have used indoor tanning facilities may meet criteria for addictive behaviour. They can also be more prone to anxiety symptoms, excessive alcohol consumption and drug abuse, said the study.

What about you?

Tanning Beds = CANCER - For more of the funniest videos, click here