Directed by "2012" Ready to Destroy the Earth Again
Director Roland Emmerich's disaster shows great Hooked on garapannya films. After '2012 'and' The Day After Tomorrow ', Roland intends to destroy the earth once again in the sequel to' Independence Day '.
As quoted from the Empire detikhot, Monday (16/11/2009), the same as the release of his first film in 1996, a sequel to 'Independence Day' is still showing the action and actors Will Smith Bill Pullman dealing with aliens. The German director claims will bring an alien ship much larger than the previous films.
Unfortunately, Roland was reluctant to talk further about the sequel to the film project. But there is the possibility of a sequel to 'Independence Day' that will be split into two films.
Today, Roland is still busy promoting the '2012 '. Hour-themed movie that made a great success with revenues up to U.S. $ 225 million worldwide. The film also occupy the top box office this week. (Detik)
Sutradara Roland Emmerich memang doyan menampilkan bencana dahsyat di film-film garapannya. Setelah '2012' dan 'The Day After Tomorrow', Roland berniat untuk menghancurkan bumi sekali lagi di sekuel 'Independence Day'.
Seperti detikhot kutip dari Empire, Senin (16/11/2009), sama seperti film pertamanya yang rilis pada 1996, sekuel 'Independence Day' masih menampilkan aksi aktor Will Smith dan Bill Pullman berhadapan dengan mahluk luar angkasa. Sutradara asal Jerman itu mengaku akan menghadirkan kapal alien yang jauh lebih besar ketimbang film sebelumnya.
Sayangnya, Roland enggan untuk membicarakan lebih lanjut soal proyek film sekuel itu. Namun ada kemungkinan sekuel 'Independence Day' itu akan dipecah menjadi dua film.
Saat ini, Roland masih sibuk mempromosikan '2012'. Film bertema kiamat itu meraup sukses besar dengan pendapatan hingga US$ 225 juta di seluruh dunia. Film tersebut pun menduduki posisi puncak box office minggu ini. (detik)
VIVAnews - Some parts of Indonesia since hundreds of years ago have been familiar with the earthquake and tsunami disaster.
Indonesia is prone to the two disasters were, because of its proximity to the Ring of Fire or Ring of the Volcano, an area in the valley of the Pacific Ocean, where the earth's tectonic plates meet.
Two devastating tsunami in recorded history occurred in Indonesia. Here's a list of the most deadly tsunami and most damaging VIVAnews gather from Live Science, and Fox News:
1. 1 November 1755, occurred after a devastating earthquake shook Lisbon, Portugal and most of Europe vibrant. The earthquake and fire in unison. This event menwaskan more than 60,000 inhabitants.
2. August 27, 1883, Krakatoa eruption triggered a tsunami that killed 36 thousand people in western Java and south Sumatra. Strength of waves capable of pushing the rock weighing 600 tons to the beach.
3. June 15, 1896, 30-meter-high tsunami struck the eastern waters of Japan. As many as 27,000 people were killed.
4. July 9, 1958, one of the largest tsunami in the modern era occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska. Triggered earthquakes as strong as 8.3 on the Richter scale. 576-meter-high wave hit the beach. Fortunately, the area affected is relatively isolated, massive tsunami killed only two people drowned fishermen and their boats.
5. May 22, 1960, SDR 8.6 earthquake shook Chile, triggering a tsunami hit the coast nyang in just 15 minutes. 25-meter-high waves killed 1,500 people in Chile and Hawaii.
6. August 23, 1976, a tsunami occurred in the southern Philippines, killing 8,000 people.
7. July 17, 1988, SR 7.1 earthquake triggered a tsunami in Papua New Guinea, killing 2200 people in quick time.
8. December 1992, an earthquake triggered a tsunami on Flores Island, as many as 2000 people were killed in the accident.
9. December 26, 2004, tsunami in the Indian Ocean, triggered by an earthquake measuring 9.0 SR. This is the biggest tsunami ever recorded history.
At least 230,000 people in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, were killed. This disaster killed even South Africans, which is nearly 5,000 miles from the epicenter.
Power of the earthquake in Aceh two times more than all the explosives used in World War II, including destroy atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2 Tsunami Dahsyat Dunia Terjadi di Indonesia
Kekuatan gempa Aceh 2 kali lipat dari bahan peledak yang digunakan dalam Perang Dunia II.
Elin Yunita Kristanti
VIVAnews - Sebagian wilayah Indonesia sejak ratusan tahun lalu telah akrab dengan bencana gempa dan tsunami.
Indonesia rentan terhadap dua bencana itu, karena kedekatannya dengan Ring of Fire atau Cincin Gunung Berapi, suatu kawasan di lembah Samudera Pasifik, tempat lempeng tektonik bumi bertemu.
Dua tsunami dahsyat dalam sejarah tercatat terjadi di Indonesia. Berikut daftar tsunami paling mematikan dan paling merusak yang VIVAnews himpun dari Live Science dan Fox News:
1. 1 November 1755, terjadi setelah gempa dahsyat mengguncang Lisbon, Portugal dan menggetarkan sebagian besar Eropa. Gempa dan kebakaran terjadi berbarengan. Peristiwa ini menwaskan lebih dari 60.000 jiwa.
2. 27 Agustus 1883, letusan gunung Krakatau memicu tsunami yang menewaskan 36 ribu jiwa di Jawa bagian barat dan sebelah selatan Sumatera. Kekuatan ombak mampu mendorong karang seberat 600 ton ke pantai.
3. 15 Juni 1896, tsunami setinggi 30 meter menghantam perairan timur Jepang. Sebanyak 27.000 orang tewas.
4. 9 Juli 1958, salah satu tsunami terbesar di era modern terjadi di Teluk Lituya, Alaska. Dipicu gempa sekuat 8,3 skala Richter. Gelombang setinggi 576 meter menghantam tepi pantai. Untungnya, daerah terdampak relatif terisolasi, tsunami dahsyat itu hanya menewaskan dua orang nelayan dan menenggelamkan kapal mereka.
5. 22 Mei 1960, Gempa 8,6 SDR mengguncang Chile, memicu tsunami nyang menghantam pantai hanya dalam waktu 15 menit. Ombak setinggi 25 meter membunuh 1.500 orang di Chile dan Hawaii.
6. 23 Agustus 1976, tsunami terjadi di Selatan Filipina, membunuh 8.000 orang.
7. 17 Juli 1988, Gempa 7,1 SR memicu tsunami di Papua Nugini dan menewaskan 2.200 orang dalam waktu cepat.
8. Desember 1992, gempa memicu tsunami di Kepulauan Flores, sebanyak 2.000 orang tewas dalam musibah itu.
9. 26 Desember 2004, tsunami terjadi di Samudera Hindia, dipicu oleh gempa berkekuatan 9,0 SR. Ini adalah tsunami terhebat yang pernah tercatat sejarah.
Sedikitnya 230.000 orang di Indonesia, Thailand, Srilanka, tewas. Bencana ini bahkan menewaskan warga Afrika Selatan, yang letaknya hampir 5.000 mil dari episentrum.
Kekuatan gempa di Aceh dua kali lipat lebih dibandingkan seluruh bahan peledak yang digunakan dalam Perang Dunia II, termasuk bom atom yang meluluhlantakan Hiroshima dan Nagasaki.
• VIVAnews
Boston (ANTARA News) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono arrived in Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday (Sept.26) for a business meeting after completing his visit to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, for the G-20 Summit on Sept. 24 and 25.
Apart from that, the president will deliver a speech at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
The plane carrying the president and his entourage from Pittsburgh, landed at Logan International Airport, Boston, at 9.45 a.m local time.
Besides Indonesian high-ranking officials, the president and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono were greeted by their two sons, namely Agus Harimurti, who is studying at Harvard, and Edhi Baskoro Yudhoyono, and their daughter-in-law Annisa Pohan who was carrying their grandchild Almira Tungga Dewi.
Later in the day, Yudhoyono was scheduled to attend a luncheon with American entrepreneurs organized by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) at Four Seasons Hotel in Boston.
In the evening the president will hold a meeting with members of the Indonesian community, including students, in the United States.
The President`s visit to Boston will last until September 29.
On September 27, he was scheduled to will visit JFK Presidential Library and Museum in Columbia Point, while on September 28, to attend a discussion with Michael Porter on Improving Indonesia`s Competitiveness.
On the night of September 29, the President and his entourage will fly back to Indonesia, but earlier in the day, the Head of State will attend an energy company`s presentation on renewable energy, alternative energy and energy efficiency.
The G-20 is made up of the finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries - Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (*)
Tulisan ini diperuntukkan terutama bagi para newbie, seperti saya ini,,mohon masukannya bagi para master blogger jika ada kekeliruan dalam postingan ini,,namanya juga baru belajar bro
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New York (ANTARA News) - Indonesia tennis Grace Sari Tobing Ysidora headed daughter of the second round doubles at the junior category of the U.S. Open Grandslam tournament at 20,009 complexes USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York.
Grace is paired with Christina Dinu from Romania on Monday afternoon defeated the pair "gado-gado" Polina Pekhova from Elina Svitolina Belarus and Ukraine with a score of 6-3, 6-0.
Compete on Field 15, Grace and Dinu end Pekhova and Svitolina resistance in less than 1 hour.
In the second half, Grade / Dinu will face the winner between the U.S. partner Gail Brodsky / Asia Muhammad, who will be leading Russia tried double 7, Daria Gavrilova / Irina Khromacheva.
Double the U.S. and Russia that would play on Monday afternoon in the Field 10.
Besides in the doubles, Grace will also compete in singles for the junior group.
Indonesia beat 16-year-old will face a tennis player from Mexico, Alejandra Granillo.
Grace-game schedule Granillo unknown because the game is usually a new committee to ensure the schedule in the evening.
Twin pairs Grace, Christina Dinu, also competed in singles on Monday afternoon but had to swallow the defeat of the host tennis, Courtney Dolehide.
(ANTARA / Andika Wahyu / Koz / nz) Medan (ANTARA News) - People are encouraged cautious in using plastic to encase a hot liquid food because the elements of the plastic is harmful to the body. Researchers from the State University of Medan, Joseph M Hasibuan to ANTARA in Medan, Sunday, say, plastic packaging often used to conceal the goods traders can cause cancer. Once examined, it appeared that the plastic contains Pemlastis Dioktilfalat (DOP) which is known from nature-based plastic toksisitas test karsinogenik. In addition, the DOP also comes from oil which is very harmful to the human body and can cause many chronic diseases, he said. Based on the DOP test contamination in the media note oil (mineral oil) of 4.0670 percent, and water contamination in the media of 0.0939. Pemlastis DOP is heated in the media can cause contamination of oil is higher than the heating, because of contamination after heating DOP reached 4.5893 percent. So, when the noodles or the like that disaji the summer and wrapped with plastic packaging is very dangerous for health, because it contains super toksit (highly toxic). "The hot water in the plastic, the more danger, because the level of contamination will be higher," he said. If you want to enjoy a meatball, for example, community disaranka to eat at the place so it does not need wrapped. If you want wrapped, continued, safe use of packaging, so that does not cause the things you do not want the body to health. Meatball Traders Market Center in Medan, Erwin said, during the time when there is a meatball buy to take home, sometimes wrapped with the plastic packaging. He confessed, did not know about the dangers of a subject in the plastic when used as a wrapper in the hot meatball. "Once I know this certainly will not use it again and the buyer and seller meatball lain akan let me," he said. source :
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - A man aged 32 years old Jakarta with a weight not less than 196.5 kg compete with the 225 most fat people in Indonesia in order to seize the prize 100,000 U.S. dollars in the audition that could reduce body weight.
This audition is held Hallmark television channel, which is owned by NBC Universal Global Network in Asia Pacific, called the event "the biggest loser Asia."
Through this audition, the most fat in the challenge to be able to reduce their body weight maximally.
Executive producer this event Riaz Mehta told the press in Jakarta on Tuesday that the participants both men and women came from various cities in the ground water began to Semarang, Yogyakarta and several areas in Sumatra and Kalimantan in order to seize the prize that is very arouse.
"We are very pleased with the enthusiasm of Indonesia in this audition. We have seen some of the participants who are potentially very interesting but we're also great to see participants from akan audition online," said Riaz Mehta ..
For the audition that took place in Jakarta a few days ago, they willingly queued start at 07.00 WIB and wait for events to them, given two contradictory choice of food that is healthy foods such as bananas and apples and sinker that has complicated the fried chicken is often referred to as junk food .
In this event, said Riaz Mehta, the health of their review as well as from high body weight, up to the amount of fat and Percentage body fat and weight that should be reduced.
In addition to the male body weight of 196.5 kg also appeared to have a woman who also comes from a 145 kg bobotnya is aged 21 years.
Riaz Mehta explains audition this artist also attended a chubby Pretty Asmara. Artists of this body is 141 kg.
Meanwhile, NBC Universal Programming Director Karen Johnston said Hallmark Channel is identical with the impression-inspiring impressions. Besides in Indonesia, also carried out similar events in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Karen said his side will announce the 30 selected candidate in Indonesia in September. Then they will be brought to Kuala Lumpur for taking pictures in October.
Kandek Suyanto (45), are one of the well clean up the findings in the Hamlet Nglinguk, Trowulan, Mojokerto, East Java, on Tuesday (4 / 8). As many as 5 wells made of brick piles is estimated residual Majapahit kingdom-century to about 14 people found Friday (31/07) and in the area of making bricks, is suspected in the area is residential at the time of Majapahit kingdom, and until now has not been have protection efforts by Central Research and Conservation ancients (BP3) Trowulan.
Dilansir pihak Microsoft sendiri, bahwa kehadiran Windows 7 setelah absennya nama Bill Gates di dalamnya tak membuat produk baru ini seperti kehilangan sosok bapaknya, namun produk ini sendiri lahir dan disebutkan lebih bagus bahkan dari sistem operasi Vista yang sudah diteliti selama bertahun-tahun, sehingga para pengguna pun tak perlu lah khawatir menggunakan hardware yang biasa-biasa saja, karena nantinya akan tetap dapat menggunakan sistem operasi yang menyandang angka keberuntungan 7 tersebut. Didaulat lebih hebat dari segi performa, menyebabkan harga dari sistem operasi ini sendiri melambung cukup tinggi, belum dijelaskan untuk Indonesia sendiri akan dipasarkan pada kisaran harga berapa nantinya. Tapi tentunya kita semua tak ingin rugi-rugi membeli produk baru bila produk ini cuma punya fitur-fitur tak jauh berbeda dari generasi sebelumnya.
Investigators worked with medical teams Saturday to reconstruct the remains of the culprits believed to have set off explosions that tore through the restaurants of the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton at breakfast time the day before. Seven were killed, plus the two suspected attackers, and 50 wounded, many of them foreigners. The method, target and type of bombs used in Friday's attacks immediately raised suspicions of involvement by the Jemaah Islamiyah terror group and Noordin M. Top.
Source :
JAKARTA - President of the United States Barack Obama condemns the bombardment of the two luxury hotels in Indonesia on Friday (17/7/2009) morning.
Obama said America is ready to help the Indonesian government to disassemble the perpetrators in the bombardment in Indonesia.
In a written statement, Obama delivered the condolence to the victims and the families who loved. The bomb explosion killed nine people and injure dozens of other people.
"People's United States will be ready to help the Indonesian community in a difficult period now, and the United States government will be ready standby to help the Indonesian government to respond to and recover the impact of terror attacks that shred the heart, as a friend and friend," Obama said as quoted from Reuters, Friday morning local time.
Obama also instruct in Indonesia to remain steadfast to eradicate the terrorist radical. "The attack is clear, the terrorists only kill people who do not sin, women are also the children, regardless of their religion throughout the nation in the world," he said.
He continue, America will still maintain the cooperation with Indonesia to scrape out of the terrorist threat.
"We will remain steadfast support kedepannya for security issues and opportunities for the people of Indonesia," said Obama.
Denpasar, (ANTARA News) - Family Yemenia Air stewardess, Richa Dwiyana Margareta (21) indicate that victims who fell in the Comoros Islands is planned to be searched by using the robot.
"Information from Yemenia Air said that the robot will go down to the location later on July 17. When there is information from the observation that a robot, we fly to New Komoro," said Asa Syifa `i in a short message from a` to Get There ANTARA in Denpasar , Wed.
He explains, arrived in the Get There `a, the capital of Yemen on Monday, 13 July 2009 at around 04.00 local time. `I Syifa accompanying duty Suyono, Richa's father got the facilities of the Air Yemenia to come to the Comoros.
Yemenia Air initially will only finance the flight of families from Richa Magetan, East Java, home to the stewardess Comoros. However, with the consideration that Suyono not speak English, they also pay Yemenia Air travel Syifa `i is also cousin Asa Richa.
"We have yet to get news about Richa. We must await the results of observation robot akan descended to the seabed. We Get There in the many assisted by the stewardess who was also friends of Richa," said Syifa `i.
He was told, the family will be initially issued with a contribution of funds to pay for itself accompanies Suyono go to Comoros. But the family felt relieved after Yemenia Air Suyono assistants are willing to pay.
According to him, the whole family are still awaiting news about the new conditions Richa about a year working as a stewardess on Air Yemenia it. Richa hopes his side, who is also a graduate school in Yogyakarta stewardess can say immediately known.
Mother Richa, Dwi Nuryanti work into the Women's Labor in Hong Kong direct to home Duyung Village, District Takeran, after Magetan hear a plane fly with daughter fell in the Comoros Islands.
"At this time the mother of Richa with the family gathered in the other Magetan while waiting for news from Yemen or from other parties, such as the Indonesian embassy and from the airlines," said Syifa `i.
source :
Kuala Lumpur - Government of Malaysia, on Tuesday, says there are 62 new cases of influenza A/H1N1 flu or pigs in this country so that the total now 772.
Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai, as quoted local media, decompile, 62 new cases, the case is a case of 28 imported cases and 34 other cases of transmission is in the country.
From that amount, 70 percent or 11 people are still treated in the hospital and 702 patients have been allowed to recover fully and leave the hospital, he said.
One primary school in the state of Terengganu had to leave after two students positively affected by the virus kill.
In Malaysia, the virus that attacks the many school and college students, including four students Mara
University of Technology, Malacca, three of which are quarantined in the campus dormitories, said Minister of Health Malaysia.
Firemen put out a fire in Dawannanlu Street in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (7/5). (ANTARA/REUTERS/Xinhua/Shen Qiao/*)
Beijing (ANTARA News) - Indonesia, the world`s largest Muslim country, will never interfere in the violence in Urumqi, capital of China`s Xinjiang region, where Muslims make up the majority group, a diplomat said.
"What happened in Xinjiang is China`s internal affair. We respect China`s sovereignty over the region and will never meddle in the problem," Indonesian Ambassador to China Sudrajat said here on Sunday.
Sudrajat said he believed China would be able to deal with the unrest based on its law and thus, social life there would soon return to normal.
Indonesia had always stuck to its principle of non-intereference in China`s internal affairs, be it separatism in Xinjiang, Tibet or Taiwan, he said.
"We are consistent in not interfering in any problem happening in China. We respect China as a sovereign state," he said.
Likewise, China also had never meddled in separatist movements in several parts of Indonesia, he said.
"The two countries have agreed to respect each other`s sovereignty and refrain from interefering in each other`s internal affairs," he said.
He said Indonesia had always supported the Chinese government`s policy to deal with any separatist problem properly.
Muslim Uighurs rioted last Sunday in Urumqi.
Xinjiang`s eight million Uighurs make up nearly half the population of the region, a vast area of deserts and mountains rich in natural resources that borders ex-Soviet Central Asia.
The official Xinhua news agency quoting the regional government reported on Saturday the death toll from violence in Urumqi had risen to.
Washington - A long, deep canyon and the remains of beaches are perhaps the clearest evidence yet of a standing lake on the surface of Mars -- one that apparently contained water when the planet was supposed to have already dried up, scientists said on Wednesday.
Images from a camera called the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter indicate water carved a 30-mile-(50-km-)long canyon, a team at the University of Colorado at Boulder reported.
It would have covered 80 square miles (200 sq km) and been up to 1,500 feet (450 metres) deep, the researchers wrote in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
There is now no dispute that water exists on the surface or Mars -- robot explorers have found ice. There is also evidence that water may still seep to the surface from underground, although it quickly disappears in the cold, thin atmosphere of the red planet.
Planetary scientists have also seen what could be the shores of giant rivers and seas -- but some of the formations could also arguably have been made by dry landslides.
"This is the first unambiguous evidence of shorelines on the surface of Mars," said Gaetano Di Achille, who led the study.
"The identification of the shorelines and accompanying geological evidence allows us to calculate the size and volume of the lake, which appears to have formed about 3.4 billion years ago," Di Achille said in a statement.
Water is key to life and scientists are looking desperately for evidence of life, past or present, on Mars. Having water on the planet could also be useful to future human explorers.
"On Earth, deltas and lakes are excellent collectors and preservers of signs of past life," said Di Achille. "If life ever arose on Mars, deltas may be the key to unlocking Mars` biological past," Di Achille said.
"Not only does this research prove there was a long-lived lake system on Mars, but we can see that the lake formed after the warm, wet period is thought to have dissipated," assistant professor Brian Hynek said.
The lake probably either evaporated or froze over after abrupt climate change, the researchers said. Its waters would have turned into vapor. No one knows what turned Mars from a warm, wet planet into the frozen, airless desert it is now. (*)
Less than 24 hours after Michael Jackson's death, fraudsters are exploiting public interest with their attempts to spread spam and malware. Security researchers say they've observed hundreds of cases of malicious messages masquerading as information about Jackson's death. Some of them, they say, popped up within minutes of the news.
Avoiding these threats isn't difficult, though: It's just a matter of staying one step ahead. Here are some of the attackers' tactics and what you can do to keep from falling victim.
E-Mail Address Harvesting
E-mails started circulating Thursday claiming to have "vital information" about Jackson's death. The messages ask users to respond in order to become privy to the "secret" details.
Michael Jackson Death Spurs Spam, Viruses
Unlike many Web-based threats, these e-mails aren't attempting to get you to click onto anything; rather, analysts believe, they're likely trying to get you to reply so your address can be confirmed for future spamming purposes.
"The spammer can easily harvest recipients' e-mail addresses via a free live e-mail address if computer users reply to the spam message," researchers at security firm Sophos explain.
Hidden Trojan Infecting
Another hoax takes the more standard approach of offering e-mail-based links, supposedly to exclusive videos and photos of Michael Jackson. These messages also appear to have YouTube videos embedded inside. If you try to follow the links or play the video, however, you may end up with malware on your computer -- without even knowing it.
Michael Jackson Death Spurs Spam, Viruses
"A legitimate Web site ... is opened by the default browser in order to distract the user by presenting a news article for them to read," researchers at Websense Security Labs explain. "In the background, three further information-stealing components are downloaded and installed."
Background Blog Processing
Other attackers are getting more creative and setting up phony Michael Jackson-related blogs to try to trick unsuspecting users. Security company Webroot says it's seen such efforts pop on a variety of hosting services, including Google's Blogger platform. The blogs take advantage of background processing to run scripts that can cause serious harm to your system.
"Just visiting [one] page spawned a tornado of background and foreground browser activity -- over 100 URLs, mostly called from ad-host Yieldmanager by an automated script hosted elsewhere, were pulled down in just the first three seconds after the page loaded," says Webroot's Andrew Brandt.
At least one site was found to be installing a virus that effectively locks down your PC, terminating most any application before Windows is able to open it. Programs installing spyware and even the Koobface virus have also been observed.
Staying Safe
The notion of exploiting high-profile news events for spreading spam and malware is nothing new. Security researchers say anytime the public's attention is tuned in to a particular topic, attackers see the potential to move in.
The best line of defense is simply to follow standard Web safety procedures: Delete suspicious-looking e-mails or messages from people whom you don't know; avoid clicking on links in messages if you aren't absolutely sure where they lead; and restrict your surfing to reputable Web sites when it comes to breaking news.
If you use Firefox, you can also install a plugin called NoScript. NoScript blocks JavaScript and Java code from running on any unapproved sites. That could keep you safe from some of the threats lurking behind legit-looking pages.
Connect with JR Raphael on Twitter (@jr_raphael) or via his Web site,
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Until now the search for Richa Dwiyana Margaretha (21), one of Yemenia Air stewardess who fell in the Indian Ocean around the island of Comoros, June 30, still do.
Department of foreign affairs spokesman, Teuku Faizasyah, explains, the Indonesian embassy in Tanzania was to send one officer to the Comoros Islands to monitor the process closely from the search. "Communication is very difficult, the phone network is also difficult, but from the Indonesian embassy in Tanzania obtained news that the search continues. There have been no information that brisk," he said at the department of foreign affairs building, Jakarta, Friday (3 / 7).
He explains, up to this time there is no official decision on the fate of the victims, including Richa, because the search will be conducted continuously for up to two weeks to come. Search all fall victim Yemenia aircraft also involve special forces and the United States Yemen Serikat.Ia explain, the Air Yemenia has been able to facilitate family Richa to come to Yemen. "If the possibility of going to the worst, airlines will facilitate the return to the corpse Magetan, but now there is no official decision-making so that awaited first," he said.
As is known, Richa Dwiyana Margaretha (21), village residents Duyung, Magetan, East Java, is a Yemenia Air stewardess who fell in the Comoros Islands on 30 June.
Aircraft type Airbus A310-300 owned by Air Yemenia that fall in the Indian Ocean would have landed in the Comoros Islands. Plane carry 153 passengers, consisting of the 142 passengers and 11 crew. Until this new one found the victim survived.
Los Angeles, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) want a robot to the 100 block of modules that can be from an aircraft to land barren then changed the form of a crawler that is capable of the sand. Robots that can change form and have the arms and legs for shin hills. When a robot reaches the peak, he can change the form of a greenhouse capable of protecting a group of seedlings during the two weekends.
NASA's vision is grandiose, a new block of 20 modules already built a robot that since this ambitious project is executed, two years ago. The project is named Superbot. Director of the Polymorphic Robotics Laboratory of the University of Southern California, United States, Wei Min Shen, recently said, "Many forms of robots that can be built, but definitely expensive."
Superbot can not change the form of a truck or a fighter jet F-22 tanks in the robot movie "Transformers" latest. The researchers hope that one day Superbot can adapt to the surrounding circumstances, depending on the type of work encountered.
So far, Superbot have a combination of the two forms, the form of four feet and six feet. Superbot at six feet, a robot can rotate girth line and can perform a combination of the shin or rope. "If something needed to swarm, akan feet indeed appear. However, if you want to down the land, the robots can change shape into a ball and then roll," Shen said as quoted Superbot with four legs can be changed into the form of a robot with two legs fast. Robot with two legs has movement "swing swing" just as a swimmer, Shen explains.
Meanwhile, plans to make the robot has been living in mind Shen. Later life is a robot capable of changing shape and able to repair themselves. The idea of living this robot also attract some of NASA and the U.S. military.
However, a number of steps still can be tried before Superbot independent and able to produce their own decisions. Creating artificial intelligence in robots is a matter of complex and challenging. Moreover the form of a robot that best represent the surrounding environment.
Shen, through an experiment in laboratoriumnya, has tried several ideas. Ideas include using digital hormone to stimulate and influence the mind and the sport of robots. The way to give instructions such as signal signal signal to the weather and change shape so that Superbot walk or roll. Shen and develop modules Superbot as stem cells with a robot that is able to bermetamorfosis different role. ( / / Luc)
Asus Eee S101 PCT get Taiwan Excellence Gold Award Awards
Jakarta - Netbook Series S101 Eee PCT successfully awarded prestigious Gold Award, or the highest honor of the Taiwan Excellence Awards held in Taipei, Taiwan.
Selected products by the International jury panel based on some assessment of the distinctive R & D, design, quality, marketing concepts, and launch to market.
Award Gold Award is submitted directly by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou to the Chief Operating Officer Tony Chen Asus in a gala ceremony.
In broadcast persnya received ANTARA News in Jakarta, Friday (08 / 5), Tony Chen delivered the sense of gratitude, especially to customers who have welcomed and receive the product Asus seutuhnya.
In addition to Gold Aword Asus also received Silver Awards for the category notebook Asus U6V Bamboo and Asus P552w Smartphone.
The success of various product Asus in Taiwan is also followed by other successes in the world, including the recognition of the body design of the G-Mark I from Japan and Germany, and the Red Dot Design award.
Not too long after Orange had their iPhone 3G S released from midnight in France, rapidrepair has done their repair guide for the iPhone 3G S so that you can replace the parts inside when your iPhone 3G S is out of warrantly. Check out the steps on their site, and also a specifications comparison chart with iPhone, iPhone 3G and Palm Pre. Compare with previous iPhone 3G, iPhone 3G S has double its memory with 256MB RAM and powered by a Samsung 600 MHz CPU. The new iPhone 3G S is also available from O2 UK and AT&T in a few hours time.