Cara Membuat Tulisan Berjalan


Cara membuat marquee / tulisan berjalan

Salam ukhuwah dari kami untuk sobat bloger semua,Sobat berjumpa kembali dengan qinginbisa dalam blog yang jelek inih!!!hehehehe...kali ini qinginbisa akan membahas tentang cara membuat marque atau tulisan dengan berjalan, gak tanggung lagi saya posting artikel ini karena sudah saya pergunakan dalam blog jelek inih!!!bagi yang udah master tentunya bukan hal yang baru lagi,namun bagi yang mereka belum bisa tentunya ingin bisa dong!!!untuk itu mari kita belajar bersama dalam blog ini, langsung aja ke TKP :

1. marquee yang bergerak ke kanan

Bergerak kekanan !

kodenya :

Bergerak kekanan !

2. marquee yang bergerak ke kanan kekiri

Ke Kanan dan Kekiri ??

kodenya :

Ke Kanan dan Kekiri ??

3. marquee bergerak ke kanan perlahan

Bergerak kekanan Perlahan !

kodenya :

Bergerak kekanan Perlahan !

4. marquee bergerak ke kanan dan kekiri dan bisa distop

Ke Kanan dan Kekiri Dan Bisa Di stop??

kodenya :

Ke Kanan dan Kekiri Dan Bisa Di stop??

5. marquee yang bergerak ke atas

Bergerak Ke Atas

kodenya :

Bergerak Ke Atas

6. marquee bergerak ke atas dan kebawah

Bergerak Ke Atas dan Ke bawah

kodenya :

Bergerak Ke Atas dan Ke bawah

7. Marquee dengan animasi gambar untuk contohnya mohon maaf saya hapus jika sobat ingin melihat hasilnya silahkan kode dibawah ini di copas di blog sobat sendiri

kodenya :

Download PCMAV Terbaru

Download ANSAV Terbaru

Smadav Terbaru

AVG Terbaru

Nah seperti itulah sobat semua tulisan berjalannya jika sobat ingin mengcopas silahkan aja, jangan lupa kasih komentarnya yah...

ni trik saya dapatkan dari dan sudah saya edit ulang, trimakasih semuanya...

source :




Antivirals are drugs in anticipation of an attack or computer virus so the virus does not infect a computer that can be fatal to your computer, surely this is very frustrating for you, because you have important data can be lost or deleted by a virus, but this is only valid for those of you who still use Windows and not Open Source like Linux, but for those of you who are still loyal to use windows OS then required to use the antivirus which certainly can protect your computer from virus attacks, trojans, worms, phishing, etc.. And you also are free to choose which ones you like Norton Antivirus, Norton Antivirus can be made in foreign and domestic, but I advocate to eradicate the virus must use antivirus locally made in Indonesia itself, since a lot of our Antivirus which have been recognized by Indonesia and even the world would be a virus and its ability mendetect the like. Here below is a list of Antivirals Artificial Indonesia's most widely used in Indonesia:

1. PC Media Antivirus

Antivirus PCMAV is a magazine created by PCmedia which started in early 2006, this virus is the most widely used antivirus in Indonesia, given its ability to very good and very helpful at all, especially when my computer is infected with a virus, when I was using for PCMAV v4lkyr13 eradicate the virus / worm named win32 heur / win32 cekar, because a suitable antivirus to remove the virus / worm is PCMAV. The weakness only in the long scanning time and can not be used on any OS should be Windows 2000 Windows 98 and upwards.

>> Download PCMAV


Antivirus SMADAV is made in Indonesia which was launched in March 2007 and began to boom in the early months of 2009, users were increasingly smadav it all can not be separated by efforts to renew antivirusnya smadav, this advantage is rapid antivirus scanning process and not a burden on the computer memory computer, in addition smadav also clean up thoroughly all the viruses that are infecting your computer and is currently capable of detecting approximately smadav 1500 registry location, and deficiencies can not completely remove viruses imports, because the focus for dealing with a virus that spread in Indonesia.

>> Download SMADAV

3. Antivirus ANSAV

Antivirus ANSAV is made by an Indonesian company which began popularized since October 2006 and is a competitor of the first PCMAV Antivirus has been launched. Antivirals are also quite widely used by Indonesian people, especially to eradicate the Brontok virus, antivirus has an advantage that is very sensitive to the virus that has infected a computer, but once there is a lack of data sometimes been infected with the virus will be lost along with the virus.

>> Download ANSAV Antivirus

4. Blue Atom Antivirus

Blue Atom Antivirus is an antivirus that is made by the child class XI E Stella Maris Catholic Junior High School, Surabaya, named Alvin Leonardo's still 14 years old, is already getting antiviral homemade guarantee 100% Clean from on October 19, 2009, which makes shock is Alvin was not doing a course or guidance programming language to make this antivirus, but he taught himself by studying three languages at once is Visual Basic, C #, and Assembler (ASMX 86), and according to expert IT is also the Dean FTIf ITS Prof. Drs Ec Ir Riyanarto MSc PhD Sarno said that Alvin will be included in programming contests and its potential can be nurtured to become a Hacker white science (whitehat).

>> Download Blue Atom Antivirus

5. GUCUP Antivirus (Gav)

GUCUP Antivirus is one of the children's work that is already known Indonesian nation and even internationally, was made by Joseph Antivirus Theretsa Patiku, students of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. Gav was created with Microsoft Visual Studio. Net 2003 with C # programming language, is also already got Antivirus guarantee 100% clean from and can be downloaded there directly, the advantages of this virus is able to scan files as rar or zip archive, memory scanning system, the scanning process quickly, could separate document files that have been infected with malware (for: Backdoor.Win32.Delf.axz, Trojan.Win32.Delf.aav, and capable of separating the application file / .exe of malware (for: DeulleDo-X [2], Virus.Win32.Delf.bk). And many more interesting features of this Antivirus.

>> Download GUCUP Antivirus (Gav)

6. Antivirus AVIGEN

Antivirus is an antivirus AVIGEN made in Indonesia that have a website www.vibi advantages of this antivirus is able to find files that have been infected with a virus such as worms, hacktool, exploit scripts, and Trojan horses. The facility is located at AVIGEN registry tweak, scans running processes, process viewer, autorun scan location and much more. Moreover Antivirus also been certified 100% clean from

>> Download AVIGEN Antivirus

Membuat Foto Keren, Lucu dan Menarik Secara Instan

Membuat Foto Keren, Lucu dan Menarik Secara Instan

Jaman sekarang memang jaman serba instan. Tidak hanya makanan, artis pun banyak yang instan, termasuk juga foto instan. Menghasilkan foto seseorang terlihat menarik, keren, dan lucu (artistik), saat ini bukanlah pekerjaan sulit, yang dulu hanya bisa dilakukan oleh para ahlinya (desainer grafis).

Sekarang sudah banyak aplikasi yang bisa melakukan manipulasi foto secara instan. Ada aplikasi yang diinstal langsung di PC atau notebook dan ada juga aplikasi yang berbasis web.

Mungkin Anda pernah melihat foto orang atau teman anda seperti di bawah ini? Misalnya di facebook, friendster, atau di blog.


Kemungkinan besar foto-foto yang Anda lihat tersebut, adalah foto yang dibuat secara instan menggunakan salah satu aplikasi berbasis web bernama PhotoFunia atau web photo instan lainnya. Contoh hasilnya seperti gambar di
 bawah ini.

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Gimana, tertarik untuk memiliki foto keren seperti di atas? Kalau jawabannya Ia, silahkan siapkan foto Anda, dan buka situs Halaman depan (frontpage) situs tersebut akan langsung menyuguhkan berbagai macam bentuk tampilan foto-foto keren yang siap pakai. Silahkan pilih salah satu gambar/foto yang Anda suka, selanjutnya upload foto Anda yang telah disediakan tadi dengan mengklik Choose File. Nah, kalau sudah selesai, tinggal disave. Selesai…!

Eh, coba juga CaraTampil di Cover Majalah Terkenal Dunai yang tidak kalah menarik.

UPDATE 11/09/09
Ternyata tidak hanya photofunia yang menyediakan photo-photo instan yang keren, lucu dan menarik. Dan berikut alamat photo instan berbasis web lainnya tersebut.


Selamat mencoba. :-)

Creating Effects "Image Tweak" on Blogger

Creating Effects "Image Tweak" on Blogger

This time we will make a twisted effect on the image (Image Tweak), where the image / picture will move when exposed to the highlight or cursor. How do I make it? Okay, without any great length make it please follow STEP 2 below:

First Steps

Go to the "Dashboard" continue "Layout" then "Edit HTML". To berjaga2 from hal2 who do not want, do not forget to backup your template. The trick, first click / check the box for "Expand Widget Templates" then click "Download Full Template" and then Save on to your computer.

Step II

Find CSS code below on your blog template:

    . Post img (
    padding: 4px;
    border: 0px solid $ borderColor;

Step III

If you have found the code above, now replace the code with the code below:

    . Post img: hover (
    position: relative;
    top: 1px;
    left: 1px;

Note: The number one on the code above (top and left) can you change its value according to your wishes. The greater the value the farther the image will also be shifted.

Step IV

As a final step, save, or save your template. Now any image / images on the blog you are going to move when touched by the cursor.

Membuat Efek "Image Tweak" di Blogger

Membuat Efek "Image Tweak" di Blogger

Kali ini kita akan membuat efek menjewer pada image (Image Tweak), dimana image/gambar akan bergerak saat di sorot atau terkena kursor. Bagaimana cara membuatnya? Oke, tanpa panjang lebar silahkan ikuti langkah2 membuatnya di bawah ini :

Langkah I

Masuk ke "Dashboard" terus "Layout" lalu "Edit HTML". Untuk berjaga2 dari hal2 yg tidak diinginkan, jangan lupa untuk membackup template anda. Caranya, pertama klik/centang kotak "Expand Widget Templates" kemudian klik "Download Full Template" lalu Save di komputer anda.

Langkah II

Cari kode CSS di bawah ini pada template blog anda :

.post img {
padding: 4px;
border: 0px solid $borderColor;

Langkah III

Kalau sudah ketemu kode di atas, sekarang ganti kode tersebut dengan kode di bawah ini :

.post img:hover {
position: relative;
top: 1px;
left: 1px;

Catatan : angka 1 pada kode di atas ( top dan left) dapat anda ganti nilainya sesuai keinginan anda. Semakin besar nilainya semakin jauh pula image tersebut nanti akan bergeser.

Langkah IV

Sebagai langkah terakhir, save atau simpan template anda. Sekarang setiap image/gambar yang ada di blog anda akan bergerak apabila tersentuh oleh kursor.