Victims search Yemenia Air Using Robot

 Denpasar, (ANTARA News) - Family Yemenia Air stewardess, Richa Dwiyana Margareta (21) indicate that victims who fell in the Comoros Islands is planned to be searched by using the robot.

"Information from Yemenia Air said that the robot will go down to the location later on July 17. When there is information from the observation that a robot, we fly to New Komoro," said Asa Syifa `i in a short message from a` to Get There ANTARA in Denpasar , Wed.

He explains, arrived in the Get There `a, the capital of Yemen on Monday, 13 July 2009 at around 04.00 local time. `I Syifa accompanying duty Suyono, Richa's father got the facilities of the Air Yemenia to come to the Comoros.

Yemenia Air initially will only finance the flight of families from Richa Magetan, East Java, home to the stewardess Comoros. However, with the consideration that Suyono not speak English, they also pay Yemenia Air travel Syifa `i is also cousin Asa Richa.

"We have yet to get news about Richa. We must await the results of observation robot akan descended to the seabed. We Get There in the many assisted by the stewardess who was also friends of Richa," said Syifa `i.

He was told, the family will be initially issued with a contribution of funds to pay for itself accompanies Suyono go to Comoros. But the family felt relieved after Yemenia Air Suyono assistants are willing to pay.

According to him, the whole family are still awaiting news about the new conditions Richa about a year working as a stewardess on Air Yemenia it. Richa hopes his side, who is also a graduate school in Yogyakarta stewardess can say immediately known.

Mother Richa, Dwi Nuryanti work into the Women's Labor in Hong Kong direct to home Duyung Village, District Takeran, after Magetan hear a plane fly with daughter fell in the Comoros Islands.

"At this time the mother of Richa with the family gathered in the other Magetan while waiting for news from Yemen or from other parties, such as the Indonesian embassy and from the airlines," said Syifa `i.
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